Today little Mason is 1 week old. I remember hearing the first 24 hours were the most critical and here was my baby a week old. I loved seeing how he changed every day. When he was born he had so much hair and he was so skinny and he was starting to put on a little weight regardless of him not eating. It was getting close to Christmas so I decided I would decorate his bed site. A nurse had created a name tag for his bed so people knew his name was Mason. We did touch time and I read Mason a book for the first time. It was called “Elmos Walking and Talking”. The doctor soon came in and we had another meeting, one of the many meetings to come. He told me we were going to be serious, that Mason was sick but that they were going to do all they could for him. I told him I appreciated everything they were doing for him. He talked to me more about the plan to get Mason to his surgery; He would continue NPO to not cause excess stress on his already working hard heart. But he did tell me they would increase his calorie intake so that he can gain a little more weight. They also started him on lipids which are just fats. They were pretty much trying to get him to 1800 grams to surgery. This would be the most important thing to me then. On Dec 16 he was 2lbs 5 oz which is 1060 grams. I knew he would gain and loose but I was starting to have all the hope in the world that everything would turn out fine and he would have his surgery that would save him. As you can see he was on a lot of medications. But he was getting better and that meant the world to me, although he wasn’t cured yet he was fighting. And I was going to fight just as hard. I stayed at his bed side and read to him until it was time to go. Today I spent time talking to my son about his momma. I Love you Mason I know you love me much too<3 Today is Dec 16 and I have a son…and everything is going to be ok. Mason is in the hands of the Lord.

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